No matter which delivery terms you choose, when you receive your shipment, please inspect the packaging carefully. If possible, take pictures
and send them to us and we will assist you in replacing your order or claiming for compensation from insurance company. The customer must
notify us of damaged, defective and/or missing items within three work days. Please call our Customer Service Center at +86-555-676-3368
with any claims.
Kindly cooperate with us to get clear idea of your detail application and what problems you got now before we start production. If any failure
caused by our tooling, we will make free replacement immediately until you get satisfied tooling. In this case, you can also choose refund.
Please allow 3-7 work days for returns to be inspected and credited once received. Your refund will be credited to the original payment method
Open 8:30 AM - 09:00 PM
Monday through Friday
Closed Saturdays & Sundays
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