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What are the precautions when regrinding slitter knives?

Views : 2633
Author : Yuan Feng
Update time : 2021-05-18 17:39:07
1) The grinding machine must be a high-precision cylindrical grinder, otherwise it will cause changes in the outer circle size and eccentricity, which will affect the change of the knife overlap during precision slitting.
2) The total useful length of the regrind shaft should be less than 200 mm, not too much. Grinding too many knives at one time will affect the rigidity of the machine.
3) When regrinding the knife, including the outer circle of the rubber bonded stripper ring, a large amount of saponification liquid must be used to flush the grinding area to fully cool the slitter knife and bonded stripper ring.
4) The grinding wheel cannot go out before each horizontal return stroke of grinding. Because during regrinding, the grinding wheel, slitter knife, and machine have jointly formed a stable rigid system. If the grinding wheel goes out every time it returns, the rigidity of the regrinding system will go through the process of disappearing and rebuilding each time, resulting in poor regrinding of the knives at both ends and loss of accuracy of the grinding wheel. Figure 1 shows the working position of the grinding wheel for correct grinding of the outer circle of the slitter knife.

Fig. 1   The Working Position of The Grinding Wheel for Correctly Grinding The Outer Circle of The Slitter Knife
5) When using combined knives the outer circle deviation of the same set of knives stacked together must be less than 0.003 mm to avoid producing indentations on the copper and aluminum strips by non-cutting edge of slitter knives.